A Breed For Everyone
Whether it's the nostalgia of the original Rhode Island Red, the placid personality of the Bielefelder, the charm of the Splash Ameraucana, or the exotic look of an Ayam Cemani hybrid, we have something for everyone! We offer hatching eggs, chicks, started pullets and cockerels. We pride ourselves on selective breeding practices. Quality is more important than quantity here. As you browse our site, take a few moments to let your eyes linger here, and get a feel for our signature touch.
Upcoming Hatch Dates
We are hatching conservatively in November and December. Contact us for availability on chicks. Custom hatch orders welcome. Currently (12/3/24), Zombie eggs are in plentiful supply for local pickup only. We will not be shipping hatching eggs during the holiday shipping season. Most other breeds are on fall break or are young pullets not yet laying healthy hatching weight eggs.
We are taking reservations for spring hatches. If you would like to be added to our reservation list, please send us a message. Our preferred method of contact is FB messenger, but you may also contact us through the website or by phone.
Follow our Facebook page for hatch results and most current availability!
Dedication To Excellence
Breeding Only Our Best
Wrather Farms endeavors to adhere to the Standards of Perfection for our flocks. As such, we maintain small breeding groups of the breeds we offer. Eggs and chicks may be in limited supply. We are members and supporters of the American Poultry Association (APA), the Rhode Island Red Club of America (RIRCA), the Ayam Cemani Breeder's Association (ACBA), The Marans Club, the Ameraucana Breeders Club (ABC) and the North American Bielefelder Association (NABA). We are voluntary participants in the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) and our flocks are routinely tested for Avian Influenza and Pullorum-Typhoid.
NPIP# 63-1365 & 63-1387.
Proud members and participants of: